Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Woohoo! It's Wednesday which means LOST is on again! I'm such a geek that I look forward to this day of the week with unbridled enthusiasm. I'm the person you've heard of who rewatches each episode and looks for clues and explanations where there probably aren't any. In any case, this is my favorite show, hands down, and I'll be a very sad girl in about 1 year and 4 months. I even got two weeks of homework out of the way so I could focus on tonight. Yay for Evidence Based Practice! Gawd, I love graduate school.

Monday, January 26, 2009

What can one say about this? I got milk up my nose upon seeing this pic.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Obamicon me!!!

Check it out!

So today I went out with the hubby and a friend from FL to the Vortex Bar & Grill in midtown. I thought, hey I want to be adventurous! I'll have the Elvis Burger! Needless to say, the peanut butter, fried bananas, and bacon are wreaking havoc on my stomach hours later. Blergh.

That gooey stuff is the melting peanut butter.

James had the Coronary Bypass burger. I thought he should have gone all the way with his choice and upgraded to the Triple Bypass where the buns are replaced with grilled cheese sandwiches.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

School days

My posts will likely be about school just to get my frustrations out in a safe setting... semi safe. Today I attempted to post my first assignment only to have difficulty with the attachment link. After 5 tries and lots of frustration I realize that there is a second button for the link. Ok. I'm an idiot.